Nursing Science Program

Philosophy, Mission, Visions and Commitments of Bangkokthonburi University:

     Philosophy: Bangkokthonburi University is an experience-oriented university aiming at cultivating the graduates with knowledge and experiences, elevating them with noble minds, empowering them to be the professionals with high ethical and morality and live honestly and maintaining self-development, social and national development.

            Mission: Cultivating man with wisdom and morality

            Visions (2026):

  1. Cultivating the hand-on graduates to become professionals with high potentiality, knowledge and experiences, and morality in the professional fields needed by the nation;
  2. Developing research and creative works leading to the creation of innovations, national and international, in various disciplines offered by the University;
  3. Providing academic services to society and community in the areas the University has expertise to enable self-reliance of the society and communities based on sufficiency economy philosophy;
  4. Revitalizing, developing, disseminating, conserving and maintaining Thai cultures and ways of living at both national and local levels;
  5. Developing administrative and management systems for good governance in accordance to national contexts by utilizing information technology for administrative affairs, academic affairs, students affairs, personnel administration, enterprising, resources and budgets, logistics, and general administration;


Commitments: The University is bonded to pursue the following commitments mandate by the University Council:

  1. To educate graduates with high potentiality, knowledge and experiences, and morality in the professional fields needed by the nation;
  2. To develop the research and creative works leading and produce innovations in various disciplines offered by the University;
  3. To provide academic services to enable self-reliance of the society and communities based on sufficiency economy philosophy in the areas the University has expertise;
  4. To support and maintain social and national cultural and arts by revitalizing, developing, disseminating, conserving and maintaining Thai cultures and ways of living at both national and local levels;
  5. To develop national context-based administrative and management systems for good governance by utilizing information technology for administrative affairs, academic affairs, students affairs, personnel administration, enterprising, resources and budgets, logistics, and general administration.

Philosophy, Mission, Visions and Commitments of Faculty of Nursing:

Philosophy: The Faculty of Nursing cultivate professional nursing personnel with high standard knowledge and experiences and morality to become closest and reachable Health Science leaders of the society.

Mission: Cultivating nursing graduates with knowledge, morality and leadership in health


  1. Cultivating nursing graduates to be nursing professional with high quality based on international standard to become health leader in the community;
  2. Conducting research and developing the body of knowledge in Nursing continuously;
  3. Serving health services to the community and society;
  4. Maintaining art and cultural heritage especially in the Nursing field.

Commitments: The Faculty of Nursing is bonded to the following commitments mandated by the University Council:

  1. Educating nursing professionals with high quality based on international standard to become reachable health leaders in the community;
  2. Continuously conducting research in Nursing to expand the body of knowledge and practices in Nursing;
  3. Providing health services to people in the community and society;
  4. Maintaining art and cultural heritage especially in the Nursing field.


Identity of Nursing Graduates: Professional Health Leaders

Professional Health Leaders” –Nursing graduates shall lead the people in each community to be aware of value and benefits of maintaining and building good health and set examples in self-caring practices both in normal and un-normal life situations in order for each individual to take care of his/her health, family members and community members. Nursing graduates shall profess and practices in Nursing with high morality.

Institutional Uniqueness: “Voluntary Mindedness, Moral Upgrading, Leading Health”

“Voluntary Mindedness, Moral Upgrading, Leading Health” –The Faculty of Nursing educates Nursing students to have service-oriented minds as health leaders who are of high morality and generous mind to help people out of their sickness and physical suffering.

Development of Philosophy, Mission, Visions, and Commitments; identity and Institutional Uniqueness, and Perception of Members:

                The ideology (Philosophy, Mission, Visions, and Commitments), identity and Institutional Uniqueness of the Faculty of Nursing was derived from the following procedures:

                1. Conducting meetings of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Nursing to review its ideology: Philosophy, Mission, Visions, and Commitments;

                2. Revising the statements of Philosophy, Mission, Visions, and Commitments during meeting to develop the Faculty’s Operational Plan and the Strategic Plan for the Academic Year 2560-2562;

                3. Convey the Philosophy, Mission, Visions, and Commitments to the academic and supporting staff and publish via the University Website, posting on the Faculty’s Bulletin Board to all personnel, students, the public and the stakeholders.


Policy and Objectives:

Policies of the Faculty of Nursing, Bangkokthonburi University:

1. Producing Nursing graduates with desirable characteristics as specified by the Nursing Council and Bangkokthonburi University;

2. Developing a student-centered Nursing Instructional System;

3. Developing Nursing personnel to their potentialities and maintain quality and efficient personnel;

4. Revising and developing Nursing curriculum continuously;

5. Conducting research and creative works in Nursing to enhance teaching, learning and academic services;

6. Managing the Faculty using the Quality Assurance system as guidelines;

7. Supporting academic services to the society;

8. Supporting the maintenance of art, cultures and Thai ways;

9. Supporting the use of technology for teaching, learning and management;

10. Promoting the use of identities and uniqueness as the guidelines for all student development activities.


Objectives: To produce the Nursing graduates with the following desirable characteristics:

  1. Be professionally competent in Nursing practices to provide quality cares to individuals, families, and communities both in the normal situations, risk conditions; and in times of sickness;
  2. Possess communication skills and efficiently use of information and communication technology;
  3. Applying research knowledge and findings to solve Nursing problems and enhance Nursing practices;
  4. Providing Nursing operation and practices with dignities with self-respects and respects to others; adhering on morality, ethical codes of conducts and take the roles of professional health leaders;
  5. Possessing critical and creative thinking to continuously develop Nursing practices;
  6. Possess leadership, conduct self-management and control, be responsible and work harmoniously in team with others; be able to develop individual, family and community potentialities efficiently;
  7. Be good members of the Nursing profession and good citizens with self-adaptation to social contexts and cultures.

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