Background of the University


Under the new regulations of the Ministry of Education on the Higher Educational Standard proclaimed on August 7, BE 2549 (2006AD), three areas of standards were specified: Standards for Quality of Graduates, Standards for Educational Administration, and Standards for Creating and Developing Knowledge-Based Society and Learning Organization.

          On student characteristics as stated in the Standards for the Quality of Graduates, the stated desirable characteristics are “… Higher educational graduates shall be knowledgeable, of high morality and ethics, competent in learning and self-development, able to apply the knowledge for daily and social life, happy in both physical and psychological, aware and responsible as Thai and world citizen.”

            From the aforementioned standards, each educational institution of higher learning shall meet the three indicators:



  1. The graduates shall be knowledgeable and well in their fields of professional specializations; able to apply the knowledge for self and social development and able to practice their own professions, to create works for developing competitive society in the international level;
  2. The graduates shall have good awareness and responsibility in conducting their life and perform their duties well with high morality and ethics;
  3.  The graduates shall be physical and mentally healthy, possessing good self-health caring and sickness preventing habits.


  1. The graduates shall be knowledgeable and skillful in their areas of specialization; capable of learning, creating and applying knowledge for self-development, performing their professional careers for social development and be competitive at the international arena;
  2. The graduates shall conduct their lives based on good awareness and responsibility and perform their duties well with high morality and ethics;
  3. The graduates shall have awareness and be mindful of national arts and cultural heritage and Thai ways of living, being grateful, conducting their lives on sufficiency economy basis; being considerate and generous to others, leading modest and humble ways of living.



In addition, Bangkokthonburi University defines the desirable graduate characteristics as follows:

  1. The graduates shall be knowledgeable, professional and excellent in theories and practices in their fields of specializations;
  2. The graduates shall maintain positive attitude in conducting social life appropriate to present situation based on morality and ethics as the steering wheel and navigation for life conducts;
  3. The graduates shall be physical and mentally healthy and able to take proper care of their health and well-being;
  4. The graduates shall be awareness of the Thai ways of living, arts, and culture such as being grateful and returns the good deeds to those who have done good things for them, conducting their lives on sufficiency economy basis; being considerate and generous to others, leading modest and humble ways of living;
  5. The graduates shall be aware of their right and duties towards the society and shall perform their duties as democratic citizens for national and international benefits.